Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rain, rain, go away...

Weaver Adventure Blog for Week of August 22, 2012

So the past few weeks have been very hectic.  A lame excuse for blog-slacking, but nevertheless, I will throw it out there.
CMK Office Building

Hectic at work and at home.

Two weeks ago we had a two-day CMK business summit where we focused our energy on how we are going to take full advantage of our opportunities in Korea.  The management team here is quite keen to work together and make our business here thrive.

Cook World HQ
Then this week we had a three day marketing and brand management wing-ding complete with late night calls with some folks in Bloomington.  Late night for them!  Thanks to Christa and Neal for all the help.  It is very energizing to get that kind of support.

In the middle of that school started for the kids so there was a flurry of back-to-school activity. 

To top it all off, it won’t stop raining.

 It seems like it has been raining for weeks.  The sidewalks are a sea of umbrellas; the Han River is covering up the trees on the islands that dot it; and each day seems to start off dark and get darker as clouds gather to deliver the next deluge.

But I am sure this will pass.  I am told this is very uncommon weather, and that the late Summer and Fall are usually very pleasant with cooler temps and colorful foliage, so I will look forward to that as I dodge puddles on the sidewalk and splashes from cars passing in the street. 

Anyone else having weird weather in their part of the world?

Until next time.


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