Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Adventure Continues

Weaver Adventure Blog for Week of May 1, 2012

The Adventure Continues

So I’m back in Seoul after about a month.  The biggest change is the weather.  When I was last here, it was about 30 degrees F.  Today it was 23 degrees C!  Figure that one out. 

Also, the foliage in the city has gone into full bloom mode.  Every tree and plant seems ready for Summer.  In fact, many people have commented that Spring was skipped.  It is apparently quite warm for late April/early May in Seoul.  But I’m not complaining. 

As our apartment is not ready yet, I am staying at a hotel near the Cook Korea office.  The short walk to the office is now very pleasant, although getting across the 13 lane street in front of the office reminds me a bit of Frogger.

Apart from starting to get my desk organized, my big goal this week is to get my Alien Registration Card – sounds like something from Men in Black.  I need it to allow our stuff to be imported into Korea and so I can stay for more than 90 days.  I am supposed to go on Wednesday to get it.  I will post a picture of it when I get it.

Another item on my to-do list is to get the keys to the apartment and then figure out how to get there.  As I have mentioned, this is a very large city and The Han River cuts it in half. The office is in an area called Yeoido.  It is kind of like a mini-Manhattan on an island in the Han, so getting here requires either bridges or tunnels.  I need to learn how to use the bus or subway or a combination to get to and from work.  In a pinch, I could take a cab.  They are everywhere and are quite cheap.  I just need to learn more Korean so I can tell them where I want to go. 
If I ever drive to work, I will need to learn about the parking rules here.  There is a very interesting system whereby you can block people already parked by leaving your car in neutral.  Then if the person you blocked needs to leave, they just slide your car out of the way.  Kind of a city wide automotive Tetris.  I will try to get a video of someone doing this, as it seems efficient and friendly.  Except perhaps on a hill…

Until next time.


Spring in Seoul
Yeouido Subway Stop
Treelined Street
Map Of Seoul

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful adventure -- more than most of us ever dream of! Kudos (wait, that's not a Korean word, is it?) to you and your family for being willing to take a risk and live far away from Target and the Superbowl and Hollywood for a time and to give your girls this amazing opportunity. I look forward to reading more!
