Weaver Adventure Blog for Week of October 25, 2012
So, the Seoul summer has definitely migrated south for the
winter. The leaves here are changing
rapidly; the morning commute requires a jacket; the alarm goes off in what seems
like the middle of the night, and we are, as usual, quite busy with school,
work, projects, and life in general.
A few updates:
Getting acclimated: We
are adjusting more each day to our adopted city. The stress around a trip to the store or to a
new part of town is all but gone after some months of apprehension about
getting lost or just wasting a lot of time.
We are avid users of public transport now and when we do need to take a
cab we can communicate pretty well where we want to go. I haven’t had to “phone a friend” in a couple
of weeks, so that is progress. Finding a
parking spot when we do drive is still difficult, but I haven’t been ticketed
or towed lately so, again, progress.
Getting involved:
Through the kids’ school we have gotten involved with a small group of
expats. There are many activities and
outings, and one we have tried is Scottish Folk Dancing. Practice is once a week at the British
Embassy, and the endpoint is the St. Andrew’s Society Fall Ball in late November. Not sure I will go in a kilt and full regalia,
but it looks like fun. It’s an all night
affair, with a big English breakfast the morning after. I will try to get some pix and video to
share. Or perhaps not…
Getting visitors:
Pretty excited about a steady stream of visitors from the home
office. Over the next few weeks we
expect a half-dozen or so travelers to swing through Seoul and say hello. So far, however, no family or friends have
made the journey, but we are hopeful in the new year a few will get on a plane
and come check out our new city.
Getting out of the city:
We have not ventured out of the city much yet, but I had a chance to
play a round of golf a few days ago and, while my performance was not pretty,
the scenery was amazing. The course we
played is about 60 km from Seoul. Here
are some pix that some of the other players took. Enjoy.
Until next time,